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Αναζήτηση συμβεβλημένων παρόχων υγείας (ιατροί) από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του ΕΟΠΥΥ.

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Εφημερίες Νοσοκομείων Θεσσαλονίκης

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Representatives of Porto in our school!!!

On Wednesday 28th February, a delegation of Portuguese teachers , visited our school with Mrs P. Vasileiadou,  the  responsible for the educational issues of our Municipality,  in the context of  an ongoing Erasmus project..

The team consisted of seven members who were teachers  of all  grades of the educational system of Portugal and  representatives of the Municipality of  Porto. It was a very interesting experience to discuss with them about a lot of common issues like the structure of the educational system of the two countries  and the problems that occure , the consequences of the economical recession in Europe and its effect on our salaries, our concern about the European future and finally about our beautiful cities, Porto and Thessaloniki.

 Actually, we both realised that  although we live in the two borders of Europe  we share many common  beliefs about life, jobs, education and we have the same way of smiling and thinking, because we live by the sea, we have a great history, literature and the communicational skills that  European culture offers…

It was a really constructive and very interesting experience!!!!



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