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Αναζήτηση συμβεβλημένων παρόχων υγείας (ιατροί) από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του ΕΟΠΥΥ.

Συμβεβλημένοι Γιατροί ΕΟΠΥΥ – ΠΕΔΙ (Βρείτε τον συμβεβλημένο ιατρό που θέλετε και δείτε παρακάτω τα διαθέσιμα ραντεβού του)

Εφημερίες Νοσοκομείων Θεσσαλονίκης

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History of our School

The complex of buildings of the 2nd Junior High School of Evosmos was built by a military company in 1979 and it set up during the school year 1979-1980.

During this period the citizens of Evosmos are increased and the Greek mentality about the knowledge was changed so there was a great need of new schools in the area.

The building was intented to be used as an elementary school but the students with their teachers protested and finally won! This was the 2nd Junior High School of Evosmos.

The first headmaster of the school was mr. Dousas Basilis a philologist and the first teacher was mr. Chronopoulos Hlias a maths teacher who recently retired.

The next headmaster was mr. Kottas Christos a philologist, mrs. Zarftsian Irini, a French teacher, mr. Panopoulos Dimitrios a philologist, mr. Stilianidis Georgios a philologist and religion teacher and mrs. Kentroti Eleni a philologist too. During mrs Kentroti's term of office as a headmaster of this school we decided to give to our school the name "Ioannis Kakridis" who was a great Greek philologist (1901-1981).

Since the school year 2007- 2008 the headmaster of the school has been mr. Dimitriadis Nikolaos, a maths teacher.

Nowadays there are 410 students and about 40 teachers in this school.




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