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Αναζήτηση συμβεβλημένων παρόχων υγείας (ιατροί) από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του ΕΟΠΥΥ.

Συμβεβλημένοι Γιατροί ΕΟΠΥΥ – ΠΕΔΙ (Βρείτε τον συμβεβλημένο ιατρό που θέλετε και δείτε παρακάτω τα διαθέσιμα ραντεβού του)

Εφημερίες Νοσοκομείων Θεσσαλονίκης

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Our Life is a play, Lets create our role

 Project site:


Work programme (all the planned partnership activities and mobilities for all institutions in the partnership):

1. Start project: first contact by mail and video conference distribution of task and responsibility to the project team and the other details of the project- September, 2010


 2. Project meeting in Austria, planning the first year of activities of the project- only teachers- between the 23rd  and the 28th of November, 2010
3. Exhibition of a film or power point presentation of their countries' all touristic, cultural, historical and traditional elements, and exchanging New Year celebration cards-December, 2010
4. Starting to create a play related to the nature, global warming or environmental pollution- January, 2011
5. Creating costumes from recycled materialsFebruary, 2011
6. Project meeting in Spain- displaying of our environment plays- teachers and students – between the 28th of March and the 3rd of April, 2011
7. Exhibition of a film or power point presentation of our countries 'Popular and Traditional Games'- April, 2011
8. Preparing an exhibitions of our children's drawings and painting related to the global warming or environmental pollution-May, 2011
9. Project meeting in Poland- teacher and students- between the 15th and the 22nd of May 2011
10. Preparing an arbouring day with our children and their families- June, 2011
11. Project meeting in Turkey- planning the second year of activities of the project- teachers and students-  between the 3rd and the 9th of October 2011
12. A walk trough a forest and taking photographs-November, 2011
13. Sharing the traditional activities of New Year Celebrations via Internet- December 2011- January 2012
14. Preparing an album related to the natural beauties of the countriesFebruary, 2012
15. Contests, quizzes and a theatre about Human Rights-March, 2012
16. Project meeting in Romania -teachers and students- between the 16th and  the 22nd of April, 2012<!--[if !supportLists]-->
17. Preparing aslogan competitionMay, 2012
18. Project final meeting in Greece- evaluation and ending of project- between the 14th  and the 20th of May, 2012
19. Presentation of the touristic, cultural, historical and traditional elementsduring the project
20. Announcement of the results and final products(plays, posters, brochures, photo albums, booklet, videos) to a wide audience (at local, regional and national level)- during the project
21. Popularizing the objectives, activities, results and final products of the project to a wide audience (local, regional and national level)- all the time 

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